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How should I dress?Dress is casual at our church. You might find a few people wearing ties, but almost everyone wears jeans. We want you to be comfortable and feel welcome, so please dress however you like.
How long does the service last?Most of our Sunday morning services last an hour.
What do you offer for children?During Sunday School, we offer activities for all ages. There are classes for each age group as well as a small nursery located in the Education Building. Our new nursery and childcare space is under construction and expected to be completed by mid-to-late 2023. Once it is completed, we will offer childcare from birth to first grade in the Family Life Center (building to the left of the sanctuary). You are always welcome to bring your children into the worship service with you. We enjoy having children in our worship service. In the event that you need to step out, there is a courtesy room located in the lobby.
Will I be asked to give money?We will pass an offering plate for our members to have an opportunity to give. As our guest, you may give, but we ask that you drop the filled-out welcome card (found in your program) in the offering plate as it comes by.
What should I expect during the service?Welcome and Announcements We generally begin our service by welcoming everyone and sharing announcements. Music You can expect a mix of modern and ancient songs that magnify Christ. We desire for our singing to be biblically faithful and full of praise for our God. Prayer We believe God delights in hearing from us as we pray. We are a church with many needs, and we often pray for God to meet our needs. There will be several people who pray from the stage, and a time for reflection and prayer at the end of the service. Preaching Our pastor will read a passage from the Bible, explain it, and apply it to our lives. The sermons are geared to be practical and faithful to the Bible. Invitation After the pastor finishes the sermon, we have a time of response and reflection. We will sing and the pastor will stand at the front of the auditorium to be available for questions.
Will I be asked to stand or singled out?We want to make you feel welcome and comfortable. We do not ask guests to stand or single them out.

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